What to consider before moving to a big city

Big cities can become stressful and complicated, but rather for reasons labor, or simply taste for the urbanite, maybe you decided to move to a
big city. So maybe you’re planning to rent Barcelona or elsewhere large Spanish city.
Moving to a big city is an important decision. If you live in a town and you’re thinking in an apartment rent Barcelona, sure you’ve thought long and hard. In fact, one study University of Helsinki conducted between migration patterns in the United States over 16 years, which it shows that people moving to urban areas is more intelligent people who tend to stay in rural and suburban areas. Anyway, moving to a big city is not easy and there is much to consider. Here are a few tips:
Looking for your future home
The first thing to do is research about where you want to move out. You must learn all you can about the city in which you will live. Start with Google,
there you will find basic data … but this is only the first step. Defines and refines your search parameters to find your new home. And then prioritizes your needs: schools, leisure, safety, comfort, cost of living, employment, etc.
Of course, do not hesitate to ask for advice and all the data you need to agents property you have chosen. And once you’ve started to select your possible future homes, visit the surrounding neighborhood. You can start by doing online, but not stop doing in person.
Consider your searches in proximity to grocery stores, restaurants, schools, gas stations, public transportation, restaurants and other things that should be taken close.
When you visit your future neighborhood, spend time. Bristling, see what air is, do you see organized and clean? Stop and listen: fighting neighbors ?, sirens ?, etc. … The noise is importantes. Of course, do not hesitate to talk with your future neighbors. They are the ones that give you the
better picture of what your future neighborhood. On the other hand, if you have children, look closely at schools, bus routes, if there parks and nearby activities. He also studied the situation regarding your future home your work / study as transport to reach it. You must consider how it will
cost in time and money. You can also study the impact of traffic in the area.
Before moving
You’ve chosen your house, flat, apartment or room to share your thoughts. Now you must start preparing everything to start your move. The first is collect it and package it. A checklist is always a good help to know that everything is in order.
The main thing is that you really take what you want and need. Sell or give away what you on. This is a new beginning, this is your new home.
When you empaquetes things, it is a good idea rotules each box with its mission and marques what room it is intended. It will make you more comfortable moving.
And if you have not hired a moving company to take you and all your possessions you can gather all your relatives and friends. We expected a tough day!
The moving day
You are on your way to your new home with all equipment, about to come to download. But You must have a few things in mind. To begin with, it would not be a bad idea that well you had located the market and the nearest hardware store. You never know what you can
be needed!
And you see thinking about ordering a pizza or takeout for that first night. Really, you’re going to need a break after move in and unpack.
When you start unpacking, better if you do one room at a time. Select one and unpacks everything that belongs to that place. And open a box and pulls out all its contents, do not put to look in different boxes because you lacked a little something. On the other hand, it is very practical begin towels and linens. You’ll need them. Also, if you have children, should be a priority desempacarles their toys and games. So They will be busy and will not clog.
In the first minutes of unpacking, start putting some decorations or works art that you had in your previous home. They will make you feel more at home and give you encouragement. And do not be afraid to leave some boxes packed for later. It takes time to create a home
With furniture and decoration be flexible and not be afraid to experiment, change them of position or try something new. And among the batches of unpacking, take a tour and explore the area or introduce yourself to the neighbors. Take advantage and see yourself doing social life.
Children and removals
A move is quite stressful for adults … it can be even more for children small who are used to their routines. To make your transition as
comfortable and painless as possible, follow these tips:
Talk to them with the greatest possible advance about the move. Explain it all calmly. Children will mourn or upset in his new home. Support them and be patient. They need time to adjust.
It is also convenient that take to visit the house so get to know. Resáltales the positive things the neighborhood could enjoy. When you’re packing things in your old house, lets the end the children’s room.
Similarly, when arriving at your new home, unpacking his stuff begins. In addition there is a bad idea that children are part of the unpacking and decorating. And soon you will be possible, unpack the TV so that children can relax with one of his movies or favorite games.
These are our tips if you are considering moving to a big city. We hope you be useful.